Wednesday, April 11, 2012


There is a record amount of corn planted this year. This is partly due to the Government requiring alcohol to be added to gasoline. It takes 3.9 gallons of diesel to produce 1 gallon of alcohol, not to mention the acres of land used to produce alcohol, that could be used for food production. This will be another failure of our Government. Until you see EXXON printed on a combine it is not feasible.



  1. Don't forget about the tons of natural gas used to manufacture nitrogen fertilizer and to cook the mash prior to fermentation. Then we get lower fuel effeciency when forced to use it. What a deal? Do you think any elected official benefited from the inside information on this deal? You bet!

  2. Here is an equally energy effecient plan. Lets generate wind with electric powered fans, place another opposite it to generate electricity and have the taxpayers supplement the loss. We can call it green and create more jobs to build the fans. Oh yes and go broke in the process. At least it wouldn't be using our food supply.
