Saturday, August 8, 2009


President Obama is smart, he has already planted the seeds and started the manipulation. He will polarize Americans, and pit one group against the other. He will create racial problems when none exist, have the old against the young, create outrage and call it extremism. Then he will be "forced" to use the military to bring the country under control. Guns will be outlawed, states rites will be suspended, our constitution will be nullified, and elections will be a sham, company's will be nationalized. Our permanent leader will be approved by Rev. Wright. Americans should not fall into this trap, unite and speak with one voice let common sense prevail, don't let your emotions rule. If my blog gets reported to the White House I may be exiled to an exotic island, and forced to ride on a golf cart during the day. Please don't throw me in the brier patch.



  1. You will be lucky if "they" let you have a golf cart! Love your blog..
